Legal Notice
The site is edited by SASU 2SI CONSULTING with a capital of 2000 euros, registered with the RCS of Pointe-à-Pitre under number 842 873 069, whose head office is located at Route de Bois Baron, Palais Sainte Marguerite, 97160 LE MOULE
Phone number +590 590 20 32 57
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The Director of the publication is: Jean-Michel PATER
The graphic design, monitoring and updates of the site are carried out by the company NEOZ whose head office is located at 67 Lotissement Desvarieux, 97111 Morne-à-l'eau
The host of the site is the company, whose registered office is located at 40 Namal Tel Aviv St., Tel Aviv, Israel.
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform. This platform is available at . As a client, you always have the possibility to contact the arbitration board of the European Commission. We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.